Suntec Builds New Ramp for Disabled Veteran’s Home


On Saturday, June 30, Suntec Concrete had the opportunity to lend a helping hand to a disabled Gulf War Veteran. Our team consisted of two students from ASU Del E. Webb School of Construction Management, three HUNT PENTA volunteers and three generous Suntec Concrete Carpenters, Frank Vela, Javier Corrales, and Jose Gutierrez.

Mr. Stephen Bradford spent over three years isolated in his home, where his only form of comfort was through gardening and raising livestock. Now that Mr. Bradford has been continually more involved in his community and helping other veterans to battle similar struggles, he is recognized as a veteran with a need for easier access to and from his home.

Mr. Bradford served in the U.S. Army during Desert Storm, where he endured some of the most severe elements of war one could imagine. His honored service and bravery came with the heavy burden of severe Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, physical pain and a diminished ability to assimilate back into civilian life.

Our team set out to demolish the existing concrete entry of Mr. Bradford’s home and form up a new ramp. After the new ramp was placed and finished, Mr. & Mrs. Bradford were extremely happy with the final product and were very grateful for our efforts to help.


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